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Beyond the Screens: Safeguarding from HEV lights

“Ughh….no matter what I do, I’m facing screen screen SCREENS!”

In an era dominated by technology, our exposure to High Energy Visible (HEV) light, also known as blue light, has dramatically increased. Unlike the conventional sources of natural light, where the sun is the primary emitter, our modern lifestyles have introduced a new dimension of exposure to this high-energy light. Beyond the sun's radiance, the screens of our electronic devices have become significant contributors to our daily intake of blue light. The screens of devices we use routinely—ranging from computers and televisions to smartphones—embrace a pivotal role in emitting HEV light. These screens utilize light-emitting diode (LED) and fluorescent technologies, both of which generate a notable amount of blue light. The collective result of extended screen time, especially in the context of changing lifestyles marked by increased dependence on digital devices, has significantly altered the pattern and intensity of blue light exposure for individuals.

Understanding HEV and UV Light

HEV light falls within the visible light spectrum, with a wavelength range of 400 to 500nm. In the realm of light exposure and its impact on the skin, much attention has historically been devoted to the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, specifically UVA and UVB rays. These forms of UV light, originating from the sun, are well-established as significant contributors to skin damage, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Consequently, sunscreens and protective measures often prioritize shielding against UVA and UVB radiation.

However, emerging research has brought attention to the potential consequences of prolonged and unprotected exposure to HEV light. While not as extensively studied as UV radiation, scientific evidence suggests that HEV light can exert significant influence on the skin and contribute to premature aging. Unlike UVA/UVB rays, HEV light does not appear to be directly linked to the development of skin cancer.

The mechanism through which HEV light affects the skin is multifaceted. Studies indicate that HEV light can penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB rays, reaching into the dermis—the lower layers of the skin where collagen and elastin are crucial for maintaining skin structure and elasticity.

The Impact of HEV on Skin Health

Premature Aging:

HEV light penetrates deep into the dermis, reaching the lower layers of the skin where crucial structural components reside, including collagen and elastin; that are essential for maintaining the skin's elasticity and firmness. The penetration of HEV light goes beyond the effects of UV rays, leading to significant damage. This damage triggers the generation of free radicals and blue light-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS), initiating oxidative stress within the skin.

The overproduction of ROS results in a cascade of events that break down the essential components of the skin. Collagen and elastin are particularly vulnerable to this oxidative damage. The consequence is a decrease in cell viability and premature aging (Godley BF et al., 2005). The skin loses its ability to maintain its youthful appearance, leading to the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and a loss of overall skin firmness.


HEV light, specifically targeting melanin—the pigment responsible for skin color—can induce hyperpigmentation. The process involves photooxidation of melanin or other chromophores, causing an increase in oxy‐haemoglobin. This phenomenon is observed as a skin reddening effect which could be immediate and persistent over several weeks. Once the immediate reddening effect fades, the skin may exhibit a yellowish appearance, suggesting photoaging phenomena such as protein carbonylation and other protein oxidation processes. Importantly, this process is distinct from melanogenesis, which is the natural production of melanin in response to UV exposure (Campiche R et al, 2020). Blue light induces the formation of a tyrosinase‐related protein complex formed by melanogenesis enzymes primarily in dark‐skinned (≥type III) melanocytes resulting in long‐lasting hyperpigmentation following blue light irradiation in this population (Bernstein, E. et al, 2020). Study further shows the significance of two major antioxidants, polyphenols and niacinamide, by increasing the resistance to blue light-induced pigmentation (Campiche, R et al, 2020).

DNA Damage:

HEV light has been found to cause damage to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA within skin cells. This DNA damage extends to the disruption of permeability barrier recovery, affecting the skin's ability to repair and regenerate. The decrease in cell viability is a direct result of the impact on cellular DNA (Nakashima, Y. et al, 2017).

Additionally, blue light affects the strength and durability of the skin by influencing the thickness of the lipid layer between the two layers of the epidermis—the stratum corneum and stratum granulosum (Denda M. et al, 2008). This lipid layer is crucial for maintaining skin integrity and moisture retention. The reduction in lipid thickness compromises the skin's protective barrier, making it more susceptible to environmental stressors and accelerating the aging process.

The Impact of HEV on Eyes and Circadian Rhythm

HEV light disrupts the normal circadian rhythm, affecting both the central mechanism and the peripheral mechanism involving skin cells. This disruption can negatively impact skin repair processes during the night through disrupted sleep cycles. Despite that, prolonged exposure to the blue light emitted by screens can contribute to digital eye strain.

Fight against HEV

Use Carotenoids: Found in well-formulated supplements, sunscreens, serums, boosters, and moisturizers, carotenoids act as antioxidants protecting the skin from ROS damage.

Apply sunscreen: Select broad spectrum sunscreen with mineral coating to protect from UV rays and HEV. Studies has shown the effectiveness of zinc oxide and iron oxide as a physical barrier to HEV lights (Bernstein, E. et al, 2020, Martini, A. P et al, 2018). Compliance to reapplication of sunscreen every 4 hourly even indoors is crucial for adequate protection.

Wear “computer glasses” and sunglasses: Opt for glasses with lenses that have a blue light filter to protect your eyes.

Install Blue Light Filters: Use covers that block blue light on smartphones, tablets, and computer monitors, or enable "night mode" settings.

Regulate circadian rhythm: Opt for some time-off from screens and lights from time to time. To promote a good sleep cycle, practice good sleep hygiene to allow the activation of repair mechanism and ROS detoxification (Balić et al, 2019).

As we navigate the digital age, understanding the impact of HEV light on our skin and eyes becomes crucial. By incorporating protective measures into our daily routines, we can minimize the potential harm caused by blue light and promote healthier skin and overall well-being. If you wish to counter the photoaging, speak to us in dream clinic! Screen smart and join the Blue Light Defense Squad!


Balić, & Mokos. (2019). Do we utilize our knowledge of the skin protective effects of carotenoids enough? Antioxidants, 8(8), 259.

​​Bernstein, E. F., Sarkas, H. W., & Boland, P. (2020). Iron oxides in novel skin care formulations attenuate blue light for enhanced protection against Skin Damage. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 20(2), 532–537.

Campiche, R., Curpen, S. J., Lutchmanen‐Kolanthan, V., Gougeon, S., Cherel, M., Laurent, G., Gempeler, M., & Schuetz, R. (2020). Pigmentation effects of blue light irradiation on skin and how to protect against them. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 42(4), 399–406.

Denda, M., & Fuziwara, S. (2008). Visible radiation affects epidermal permeability barrier recovery: Selective effects of red and blue light. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 128(5), 1335–1336.

Godley, B. F., Shamsi, F. A., Liang, F.-Q., Jarrett, S. G., Davies, S., & Boulton, M. (2005). Blue light induces mitochondrial DNA damage and free radical production in epithelial cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(22), 21061–21066.

Martini, A. P., & Maia Campos, P. M. (2018). Influence of visible light on cutaneous hyperchromias: Clinical efficacy of broad‐spectrum sunscreens. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine, 34(4), 241–248.

Nakashima, Y., Ohta, S., & Wolf, A. M. (2017). Blue light-induced oxidative stress in live skin. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 108, 300–310.



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