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Mesolipolysis Marvel: Say Hello to Your Dream Silhouette

Many suffer from an enduring dilemma of perpetually appearing chubby. Have you

encountered remarks about weight gain due to puffy cheeks? Look no further, for this article

addresses the concerns of those grappling with the appearance of facial plumpness. The

distribution and density of facial adipose tissue are influenced by a multitude of factors,

including dietary habits, facial muscle exercises, overall body weight, aging factors, and

genetic predisposition. These facial fat deposits tend to congregate notably in areas such as

the cheeks, buccal region, and jowls. The extent of fat pad accumulation contributes to cheek volume and significantly impacts one's facial appearance. However, an excess of voluminous fat pads can lead to a round and unwelcome facial appearance, a feature generally less favored.

Numerous remedies have been advocated over time to address the issue of facial chubbiness. Among the most widely recognized solutions are facial exercises or yoga routines, the use of facial rollers, and dietary modifications involving reduced intake of carbohydrates, sugars, and salt. Notwithstanding the diligent efforts expended in pursuing these avenues, many individuals still encounter challenges in reducing these seemingly 'stubborn' fat deposits.

What is Mesolipolysis?

Mesolipolysis is a therapeutic procedure that combines the principles of mesoinjection,

involving the injection technique, and lipolysis, which pertains to the breakdown of fatty

tissues. This approach is widely employed to target localized fat reduction in a manner that

aligns with the body's natural processes. In essence, mesolipolysis utilizes injection methods

to facilitate the gradual decomposition of adipose tissue over the course of multiple treatment sessions.

Understanding Fats

In order to comprehend the underlying mechanism of mesolipolysis, it is essential to grasp

the nature of adipose tissue. Adipocytes, commonly referred to as fat cells, are situated within the subcutaneous layer of the body. These cells serve as reservoirs for triglycerides, which function as a means of energy storage. Triglycerides are chemical compounds composed of glycerol and three fatty acids, derived primarily from dietary fat intake. Additionally, adipose tissue possesses the ability to synthesize fatty acids from surplus glucose and amino acids when stimulated by insulin (Baumann L. 2009).

About Meso Fat-Fade

In recent years, a plethora of products have emerged aimed at facilitating fat reduction, with

some of these products encompassing chemical compounds such as ammonium, bile acids,

lecithins and etc. Meso Fat-Fade, a proprietary blend developed by Dream Clinic, represents

a customized formulation wherein the dosage and ratio of these compounds are tailored to

individual requirements. Each of these chemical constituents elicits distinct responses within

the body's physiological processes. To elucidate further, ​​Meso Fat-Fade facilitates the

oxidative breakdown of lipids, the dissolution of mature adipocytes, and the release of a greater quantity of triglycerides for elimination through our body's metabolic processes. Collectively, these actions promote the disintegration of fat components within adipocytes, with the resultant byproducts either undergoing elimination or degradation. This mechanistic approach yields enhanced contouring of the ideal silhouette while mitigating significant skin laxity concerns. Typically, these chemical agents are administered in combination to optimize results, minimize adverse effects, and extend the duration of efficacy (Hasengschwandtner al, 2013; Farina G.A. et al., 2020).

How is it performed?

The procedure entails the preparation of a specialized medication cocktail, which is subsequently administered via syringe injection at a sterile target site. The precise volume of

drugs injected is contingent upon the specific needs of the individual. Notably, this approach offers a less invasive alternative compared to conventional methods such as liposuction or surgical fat removal. Achieving an ideal result typically requires 4 to 6 sessions, but additional sessions may be needed based on individual preferences and requirements.

Post-procedural advice

Following the mesolipolysis procedure, there are no activity restrictions, rendering it suitable

for convenient midday appointments. It is common to observe swelling, particularly on days

2 to 3 post-injection; however, this swelling typically subsides within 3 days. Palpable tiny

nodules, representing the ablated fat deposits, may initially be noticeable but often diminish

with consistent massaging at the injection site to encourage the breakdown of fat (Eremia S,

2010). Visible results usually manifest within approximately 2 to 3 weeks post-treatment.

Is mesolipolysis right for me?

As is the case with any medical procedure, mesolipolysis carries specific contraindications

and limitations. In addition to adipose tissue, facial bulkiness or rounded facies can be

influenced by various other anatomical structures, including muscles, glands, and bone.

Furthermore, a comprehensive consultation is imperative to assess an individual's unique condition, expectations, and suitability for mesolipolysis. It is advisable to seek guidance from professionals in the field who can assist in formulating the most appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Can mesolipolysis help with cellulite too?

Indeed, mesolipolysis can effectively address cellulite, a skin surface irregularity

characterized by the "orange peel" dimpling effect resulting from the increased protrusion of adipose tissue into the dermis via dermal-hypodermal junctions (Bass L.S. et al., 2020). Optimal outcomes are often achieved when mesolipolysis is combined with complementary therapies such as radio frequency and laser treatments. Nevertheless, a thorough evaluation is crucial, as with any medical condition.

Should you be contemplating the potential benefits of mesolipolysis, we cordially invite you

to schedule a consultation with our esteemed medical professionals at Dream Clinic. This

consultation will provide you with a deeper understanding of the procedure and its potential

to help you attain your desired aesthetic goals.


1) American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (2019). ASPS policy statement on

Mesotherapy/injection lipolysis.


2) Bass, L. S., & Kaminer, M. S. (2020). Insights into the pathophysiology of cellulite: A

Review. Dermatologic Surgery, 46(1).

3) Baumann, L. (2009). Cosmetic dermatology: Principles and practice (2nd ed.).

McGraw Hill.

4) Eldsouky, F., & Ebrahim, H. M. (2018). Evaluation and efficacy of carbon dioxide

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Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, 20(5), 307–312.

5) Eremia, S. (2010). Office-based cosmetic procedures and Techniques. Cambridge

University Press.

6) Farina, G. A., Cherubini, K., de Figueiredo, M. A. Z., & Salum, F. G. (2020).

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events, and complications. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. doi:10.1111/jocd.13619

7) Hasengschwandtner, F., & Gundermann, K.-J. (2013). Injection Lipolysis With

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doi:10.1177/1090820x13500671 .

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